After having elected decades of Republican party government, whose plunder of America culminated in the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, Nitwit Nation blames the Democrats.
Since Reagan, the GOP party of predators have presided over the most corrupt, incompetent governments since GOP Harding and his congress, who were the worst since GOP Hayes and his congress, who were the worst since -- Surprise! -- GOP Grant and his congress, a sorry saga which spans the history of the GOP.
The GOP have done so much damage, alas with the connivance of craven Dems, that it will take a generation to dig us out, and Obama is digging as fast as possible, despite the best efforts of GOP traitors to sabotage him at every turn, to make him look bad to NASCAR America, so they can regain control and resume their 24/7 orgy of plunder.
Whenever the Republicans are in office, they screw the rednecks who elected them, but when they stop -- like now -- the rednecks beg for more. It must hurt so good.