. . . and schmuck
There was a time when Joe Lieberman commanded respect, if not support, for bucking his party on behalf of the Bush administration's war on Iraq. Now, things have changed, and Lieberman has revealed his true colors as a human being.
Lieberman has declared his intention not only to vote against healthcare reform but to join in a GOP filibuster to block its coming to a vote in the Senate, claiming that his position is one of principle.
Until now, excepting his support of Bush's war, Lieberman has a history of voting liberal. Why, then, would Lieberman betray the cause of liberalism when it comes to healthcare reform?
It is because Joseph Lieberman is not a man of principle, as he piously declares, but a corrupt politician, paid to betray principle by the insurance companies of his state, who see true healthcare reform as a threat to their business.
He lies about why he's a turncoat, which makes him twice a scoundrel. Joseph Lieberman, the senator from Connecticut: the supreme schmuck.