Obama, Reid, Pelosi . . . Oh, lead us not . . .
They promised to have healthcare reform -- some kind of reform -- passed by Christmas. And it's some kind of reform we got. No public option, no buy-in, but 30 million more Americans forced by law provide a windfall for the insurance companies, the very perpetrators of the outrageous injustices which reform seeks to abolish. All this to accommodate one corrupt senator -- Joe Lieberman.
Lieberman says it was a matter of principle with him. Lieberman is a foul LIAR. With him it is a matter of protecting the insurance companies who line his pockets.
Golden Gloves or not, Harry Reid is a wimp, with absolutely no leadership qualities. Senate leadership isn't about compromise or horse trading but about force and fear applied to obstructionists like Lieberman and Ben Nelson. Leadership is about kicking their asses out of the caucus and confronting them and other filibusterers with a loud campaign of education aimed at exposing the outright lies of insurance company propagandists, of making the public understand why TRUE reform is necessary and why opposition to reform is IMMORAL.
Unfortunately, we do not have such leaders in Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, who gained their positions while the Democrats were on the minority. As the majority, the Dems need to play offense, but are lead by losers, who play like losers.
Lieberman and Nelson must be kicked out of the party caucus. Reid and Pelosi need to be kicked out of their posts, which they continue shamelessly to occupy out of vanity, and replaced by Democrats who know how to kick ass, who have the courage to work with an eight seat majority in the Senate and let the Republicans show themselves up as the obstructionists, gangsters and traitors that they truly are.
Oh, and let's not forget the president we elected as a feelgood exercise, whose leadership qualities thus far have consisted in making appearances.