Friday, January 8, 2010

More Left-wing Mendacity

Survivor of Tamil "liberation"

Part of 111 stacked coffins, 1987 handiwork of Tamil "victims"

Terrorists as victims: Palestinians, who strap bombs to their children in order to kill Jews, Tamils who forcibly recruited children to wear cyanide vials on their murderous missions. And their targets, the Israelis and Sri Lankans? Why, oppressors and war criminals, of course, according to left-wing terrorist sympathizers and their media echo chambers.

Airport bombings by Tamil "victims"

Yes, Sri Lanka's government was ruthless in putting an end, finally, to decades of slaughter by arguably the most savage of the so-called liberation movements, who made the PLO look like humanitarians, who assassinated thousands indiscriminately, from poor civilians to the Prime Minister of India. And yet, here we see hand-wringing over their eradication by those who seem to have awakened from a coma only yesterday, or whose sympathy for the underdog trumps the fact that said "underdog" is a mass murderer.

Indian Prime Minister, murdered by Tamil "victims"

Sri Lankan president, murdered by Tamil "victims"

In their final assault against the Tamil terrorists, the Sri Lankan government saved countless future lives and ended fear and chaos inflicted on everyday life in Sri Lanka and Southern India. Their success is a reminder to the world that war, to be fought successfully, must be fought without compromise or remorse, a reality which craven Western nations, mired in moral sloth cloaked in the mindless platitudes of political correctness, have long forgotten.

Tamil baby evacuated from war zone by government "oppressor"